Archive for the imagine project

How Children with Disabilities Can Succeed in Future Business Careers

For many children and teens, the idea of a future career in business can be an exciting opportunity. Pursuing a business career provides a chance to learn new skills, work with talented professionals, and make a meaningful impact on the world. And for those with disabilities, a career in business can offer a range of additional benefits, including flexibility, inclusivity, and the potential for career growth. With the right mindset, tools, and support, you’ll excel in the business world! Check out the following tips from The Imagine Project to learn how you can plan for a successful career in business.

Your Uniqueness is Your Advantage

Just like superheroes have their own unique powers, you have your own special abilities that can help you achieve amazing things in your own way. Your unique experiences and perspectives make you special, and by embracing what makes you different, you can turn it into a powerful strength that others don’t have. By focusing on what you can do uniquely well, you can inspire others and create your own path to success.

Find a Good Fit

Identifying your strengths and weaknesses can help you determine which roles and industries would be a good fit for you. This process will also help you highlight your strengths in job interviews and networking situations. To identify your strengths, consider what comes naturally to you, what you enjoy doing, and what you excel at. Also, consider any unique perspectives or experiences that you bring to the table as a result of your disability. For example, you may have developed resilience, adaptability, or a unique perspective on accessibility and inclusion.

Focus on Education and Training

By investing in your education and skill set, you can position yourself for success in a competitive job market and increase your chances of finding meaningful employment. For instance, if you’re considering a degree in business, this could be the ticket by allowing you the flexibility you need while gaining a broad range of skills, from finance and marketing to management and entrepreneurship. This mode of learning also fosters advanced digital literacy and self-discipline, essential qualities in the modern workforce.

Learn to Network Effectively

Networking is a critical skill for any young adult looking to launch a successful career in business, and this is especially true for those with disabilities. In today’s digital age, it’s easy to overlook the importance of in-person networking events, but they can still be incredibly valuable. Meeting new contacts face-to-face can help you to build more personal and meaningful connections, and it can open up new opportunities that you might not have discovered otherwise.

Seek Mentorship Opportunities

Access to a mentor can have a positive impact on your outlook, job opportunities, and educational outcomes. A mentor can provide guidance, support, and valuable insights into the business world, helping you to navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities. When you’re ready to seek a mentor, look for someone who has experience in your desired field and who shares your values and interests.

Pursuing a career in business is an exciting and viable option for young people with disabilities. With the right mindset, tools, and support, you can build a thriving career in a flexible and inclusive environment. By identifying your unique strengths, learning to network effectively, and seeking mentorship opportunities, you can position yourself for success in the business world!

The Imagine Project is here to help children overcome stress and trauma. Let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you to Amanda Henderson for writing this blog.

Dianne Maroney, RN, MSN



Keeping Kids Entertained During Unfavorable Weather Conditions

Weather-related constraints shouldn’t be roadblocks to your children’s engagement and joy. Today, The Imagine Project shares several inventive ways to make indoor time with your children not just a stopgap measure but a memorable experience. From cinematic experiences in your living room to hands-on creative activities, these indoor options are far from being mere distractions; they are opportunities for quality time and skill-building.

Build a Fort

With some cardboard boxes, furniture, and sheets, you and your kids can create an indoor fort that will provide endless fun no matter the weather outside. You can even create a family flag for it that you proudly wave using a broom handle as a flag pole! In addition to playtime, you can let your kids nap or even spend the night in their fort. They’ll love camping indoors, and it’s a great way to have a family sleepover. Just be sure to have another activity ready to go for your family when it’s time to take the fort down. This way, they’ll be too excited for their next round of fun to protest tearing it down.

 Create a Home Theater Experience

Transforming your living room into a makeshift cinema can be as simple as pulling out a few cushions and firing up the projector or television. With popcorn at the ready and a queue of family-friendly films, you’re setting the stage for an immersive movie experience. This isn’t just about watching movies; it’s about creating an environment where everyone feels cozy and connected. Don’t forget to include a brief intermission for discussions about the movie, reinforcing both analytical thinking and effective communication skills in your children.

 Create Posters Together

Engaging in the collaborative endeavor of poster design is a multifaceted experience that is both educational and enriching. Not only does it act as a primer for visual design essentials like layout, color schemes, and typography, but it also cultivates a spirit of teamwork. This endeavor allows you and your kids to express their creativity. Then, you can scan or snap a picture of their work and share it online or send it to family and friends. Here’s a tool you can use to convert to PDF format; this could help with storage and organization, as well as making sure their work doesn’t get lost!

Play Hide and Seek

Young kids – and many older kids – love this classic game, and small children are especially great hiders. In their efforts to stay out of sight, they learn what works when hiding and what doesn’t. For instance, hiding in an area with a lot of reflective surfaces that can give them away doesn’t work as well as hiding in an area where there are no mirrors or shiny surfaces. In playing this game, they’re developing problem-solving skills that are an invaluable skill in today’s world when it’s practiced in a fun, happy, and safe manner.

Embark on an Indoor Scavenger Hunt

In crafting an indoor scavenger hunt, the beauty lies in the journey as much as the end prize. Construct clues that encourage problem-solving and implement hidden treasures that stimulate curiosity. This is more than a mere game; it’s a simulated adventure that teaches children about navigation, deduction, and the joy of discovery within their own living space.

Be Proactive in Your Planning

Being proactive in planning time for your children amid busy seasons is critical. Scheduling specific activities or rituals, like reading bedtime stories or collaborative cooking, ensures you’re fully present during your time together. This kind of intentional planning aids in emotional bonding and assures your children that they are a priority, irrespective of external demands.

It’s also a good idea to keep a checklist of items that facilitate both indoor and outdoor activities. From wagons and building blocks to versatile strollers, these aren’t just toys but tools for versatile engagement. Always remember to scrutinize product reviews for safety parameters and non-toxicity when considering any new purchases.

Elevate Energy Levels With Dancing

Never underestimate the power of music and movement to uplift moods. A dance party doesn’t require a big setup: a playlist of favorite tunes and some open space are all it takes. Dancing doesn’t just expel pent-up energy; it also provides a liberating avenue for self-expression. Amid the laughter and twirls, everyone gains a better sense of rhythm and coordination, valuable skills that extend beyond the dance floor.

Explore Arts and Crafts

A corner stocked with art supplies becomes a sanctuary for your child’s imagination. Here, the focus isn’t just on creating art, but on exploring various mediums, from painting and drawing to collaging. This crafting corner allows your children to explore their artistic inclinations, hone fine-motor skills, and even learn the importance of tidying up post-activity, instilling a sense of responsibility and organization.

Have Fun With Board Games

Unearth those overlooked board games and let the dice roll. Games like these aren’t merely for leisure; they’re educational tools that sharpen critical thinking, strategy, and negotiation skills. Moreover, they offer a competitive yet collaborative avenue for interaction among family members.

Paint Wall Art

Your child will love being given the opportunity to create a work of art on their bedroom wall! Using painters tape, tape off a rectangular section of a wall in their room to serve as their canvas, and let them paint whatever picture they’re envisioning. If they love it, you might consider letting them keep it there, or when they’re done, you can simply paint over it with white paint to give them a fresh, clean canvas to paint on the next rainy day. (If you’re concerned about them painting outside the painters tape, put some paper under the tape to serve as a barrier and catch any paint that goes outside the lines.)

Even during inclement weather, a home filled with ingenuity and preparation can serve as the backdrop for endless fun and learning. Whether you’re designing a poster or embarking on an indoor scavenger hunt, these activities are not just boredom busters; they nurture creativity, facilitate emotional growth, and even offer educational benefits. So the next time weather conditions aren’t in your favor, seize the opportunity to create unforgettable family experiences indoors.

The Imagine Project helps kids overcome stress, trauma, and the drama of their everyday lives. Let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you to Amanda Henderson for writing the article!

Take care,

Dianne Maroney, RN, MSN

Dianne is the founder and CEO of The Imagine Project, Inc., a nonprofit organization that helps children K-12 (and adults) process and heal from difficult life circumstances through expressive writing. Dianne has her Masters in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing, is a thought leader in stress and trauma in children and has written multiple award-winning books including The Imagine Project: Empowering Kids to Rise Above Drama, Trauma, and Stress. She is an international speaker, lives in Colorado and has 3 grown children. Learn more about The Imagine Project at

Is AI use in college helpful or harmful to students?

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly widespread throughout the education system, but there are mixed attitudes about whether or not it’s actually helpful. While students tend to view the technology positively, a significant number of teachers, principals and district leaders report otherwise, with 52% of education professionals expressing a need to better educate their students on AI use.

With such a mixed bag of responses to the technology, how exactly do we discern whether AI use is beneficial to learners? In this guide, we take a look at how AI might be helpful or harmful to college students.

Helpful: aids learning

Thanks to AI, educators no longer have to rely on a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to teaching, as the technology can be used to develop tailored learning plans to suit each individual student’s needs. Educators might want to use AI to grade a student’s work in a way that connects with them or tailor learning content in a way that each student will respond more positively to – for example, switching written content to audio, or sharing visual learning resources.

In their own time, college students might use AI to aid in their research. At just the click of a button, they can find the relevant data that they’d usually have to spend time trawling the internet for. It can also be utilized as a creative tool, to inspire research proposals, essay titles and outlines. Plus, familiarizing themselves with AI technology may be beneficial in itself to students, as they’re likely to encounter it later on as they head into the working world.

Helpful: could support mental health

By using AI to aid with college work, students can significantly reduce the time they spend on the menial tasks that have no real impact on their learning. This could reduce the number of tasks that need to be completed in preparation for projects and exams, ensuring they have more time to focus on those that boost their learning.

As a result of utilizing AI in this way, we could see a significant reduction in exam and deadline-related stress, as students are better able to stay on top of their workloads. It’s fair to assume this would ultimately have a positive impact on their overall mental health as a result.

Harmful: can be used unethically

Plagiarism can be a problem when it comes to AI use. AI relies on existing web content to generate its content and data – so students need to be careful that they’re not copying AI-generated content word for word, to avoid severe penalties at college.

Similarly, students might become overly reliant on AI technology to do their work for them. Not only does this leave them at risk of committing plagiarism, it can also mean they suffer gaps in their learning and knowledge retention as a result.

Weighing up the pros and cons

Rather than avoiding AI use, it’s best to familiarize students with the technology as early as possible. AI is used widely in the working world, so ultimately, students will need to be introduced to it at one point or another, and educated on how to use it in a way that is beneficial.

When used appropriately, it’s clear that AI has many benefits. Of course, caution should always be taken to ensure that it’s being used responsibly, particularly as AI continues to innovate and evolve. By better educating students on AI and its uses while they’re in school, we can equip young adults with the skills they need to utilize the technology positively as they head into college.

Go to for more important information about mental health and our youth.

Thank you,


Dianne is the founder and CEO of The Imagine Project, Inc., a nonprofit organization that helps children K-12 (and adults) process and heal from difficult life circumstances through expressive writing. Dianne has her Masters in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing, is a thought leader in stress and trauma in children and has written multiple award-winning books including The Imagine Project: Empowering Kids to Rise Above Drama, Trauma, and Stress. She is an international speaker, lives in Colorado and has 3 grown children. Learn more about The Imagine Project at

How Exercise Can Support a Child’s Emotional Health

Exercise and emotional health are more interrelated than many people realize. Just as emotional wellness promotes good physical health, keeping our bodies healthy can help prevent, even heal, emotional issues. Exercise is important because it helps improve mood, self-esteem, self-image, quality of sleep, attention, academic performance, interpersonal skills, and coordination, while creating a strong healthy body. All of these are important when coping with stress and trauma.

Here are some ideas to help you and your child stay physically and emotionally healthy using exercise.


Today’s kids just don’t move enough—they spend way more time in front of a screen than previous generations did. So helping your child learn to weave daily exercise into a healthy lifestyle is an important part of a parent’s job. Children typically follow the example of their parents, extended family, or friends, so modeling this habit yourself can make a big impression.

Some kids love to exercise, some don’t. If they love to exercise it will be easy for you to get them to go outside and spontaneously move their bodies. There is a fine balance between letting them determine what they want to do and directing them. The best is to try many activities and sports and see what they like the most. A child who learns how their body moves will build body awareness as well as self-awareness. Gymnastics, dance, yoga, and martial arts are particularly good for teaching body awareness. These skills can help them listen to their bodies, and in turn, help them avoid injuries in other sports and activities.

For kids who don’t like to participate in sports, be creative in getting them to move. Dance around the house, chase them (in fun), play tag, be silly, jump on a trampoline (or bed ), do a quick clean-up game that includes running around. The younger you get them to move, the more inclined they are to continue as they get older, even into adulthood, which will prevent obesity and other serious health problems, now and in the future. Remember that FUN is the keyword for encouraging kids to move their bodies!


Some see yoga as a class of stretching. It is about stretching, but it’s so much more. Yoga is also about mindfulness, breath control, body awareness, meditation, and it can also be very physically challenging, depending upon the class. Beyond the physical gains from yoga, there are many emotional benefits from it too. Yoga helps the body relax and move from a sympathetic state to a parasympathetic state, relieving stress and tension. The brain releases calming hormones instead of stress hormones, and it’s an avenue for self-expression and awareness. Yoga also helps improve immune function and digestion. I love yoga but I was resistant for years. My excuse was, “I can’t do yoga, I am the most unlimber person in the world!” When I finally tried it, I realized that our bodies can become more limber with practice. It was hard at first but I started slow with a video in my basement and then moved to a class. Now I love it and can’t go a week without it. Oh how I wish I would have done it with my kids when they were young! A neighbor recently told me that when he began doing yoga daily, within 10 months he’d lost 40 pounds, and was able to stop taking medication for both physical and emotional issues, saving him hundreds of dollars per year.

Begin yoga wherever you feel comfortable. You can start by trying free videos on YouTube or picking some up from the library. When your kids see other kids doing yoga on the video, they will be more encouraged to do it themselves. Going to a class together will create experiences and memories you both will cherish.

Movement and exercise are also keys to longevity. Research has shown those who live into their 90’s and even 100 move every day. Helping yourself and teaching your child these lifelong tools will benefit everyone. If you are feeling resistance, you can always download The Imagine Project journal to help you move through your resistance. Good luck and enjoy!

Take care,


Dianne is the founder and CEO of The Imagine Project, Inc., a nonprofit organization that helps children K-12 (and adults) process and heal from difficult life circumstances through expressive writing. Dianne has her Masters in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing, is a thought leader in stress and trauma in children and has written multiple award-winning books including The Imagine Project: Empowering Kids to Rise Above Drama, Trauma, and Stress. She is an international speaker, lives in Colorado and has 3 grown children. Learn more about The Imagine Project at

The Crucial Role of a Child’s Mental Health

Children are the future, and ensuring their well-being goes beyond physical health. Mental health plays a pivotal role in shaping a child’s overall development and future success. In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of children’s mental health, highlighting the need for nurturing environments that foster emotional well-being. In this blog, we will explore the significance of children’s mental health and ways to promote a positive mental outlook in our young ones.

The Landscape of Children’s Mental Health:

Childhood is a crucial period for brain development and the establishment of emotional well-being. Mental health in children encompasses their emotional, psychological, and social well-being, impacting how they think, feel, and behave. Various factors contribute to children’s mental health, including genetics, environment, and early experiences. Issues such as trauma, abuse, neglect, and family dynamics can significantly affect a child’s mental well-being, potentially leading to long-term consequences.

The Importance of Early Intervention:

Recognizing and addressing mental health concerns in children at an early stage is crucial for their overall development. Early intervention can prevent the escalation of issues, providing children with the tools to navigate challenges effectively. Parents, caregivers, and educators play a pivotal role in identifying signs of mental health issues in children, including changes in behavior, mood swings, academic struggles, or withdrawal from social activities.

Building Resilience in Children:

Resilience is a key factor in promoting children’s mental health. It involves developing the ability to bounce back from adversity and cope with life’s challenges. Parents and caregivers can foster resilience by creating a supportive and nurturing environment that encourages open communication. Teaching problem-solving skills, promoting a positive self-image, and fostering a sense of belonging can contribute to a child’s resilience.

The Role of Schools and Communities:

Schools and communities are integral in promoting children’s mental health. Educational institutions can create a positive and inclusive environment that supports emotional well-being. Implementing mental health education programs, providing access to counseling services, and fostering a culture of empathy and understanding can contribute to a child’s overall mental health. Additionally, community initiatives, such as support groups and mental health awareness campaigns, can help create a network of resources for children and their families.

Balancing Screen Time and Physical Activity:

In the digital age, children are exposed to screens from a young age. Excessive screen time, coupled with limited physical activity, can have adverse effects on mental health. It is essential for parents and caregivers to strike a balance between screen time and outdoor activities. Physical exercise has been linked to improved mood and cognitive function, making it a vital component of children’s mental health.

Encouraging Emotional Expression:

Children may struggle to articulate their emotions, making it crucial for parents and caregivers to encourage emotional expression. Creating a safe space where children feel comfortable discussing their feelings can foster a healthy emotional outlet. Art, play, and journaling are effective tools for allowing children to express themselves creatively, promoting emotional well-being. The Imagine Project, Inc. is a beautiful expressive writing tool where kids are prompted via a simple 7-step process to write about their experiences and emotions by using the word Imagine to begin every sentence. It empowers children K-12 (and adults) to realize they don’t have to be defined by an experience or story in their lives. Instead, they can write their own ending to any story/experience. To learn more go to and download a free journal today. The Imagine Project supports a child’s mental health by encouraging emotional expression, building resilience, and finding compassion for themselves and others.


Investing in children’s mental health is an investment in the future. By prioritizing emotional well-being, we can equip children with the tools they need to navigate life’s challenges successfully. Through early intervention, building resilience, and creating supportive environments in homes, schools, and communities, we can contribute to a brighter and more mentally healthy future for the next generation. As a society, it is our collective responsibility to nurture the minds of our children and empower them to thrive emotionally and mentally.



Dianne is the founder and CEO of The Imagine Project, Inc., a nonprofit organization that helps children K-12 (and adults) process and heal from difficult life circumstances through expressive writing. Dianne has her Masters in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing, is a thought leader in stress and trauma in children and has written multiple award-winning books including The Imagine Project: Empowering Kids to Rise Above Drama, Trauma, and Stress. She is an international speaker, lives in Colorado and has 3 grown children. Learn more about The Imagine Project at

Nurturing Minds: The Crucial Role of Imagination in a Child’s Mental Health

In the bustling world of technology and structured education, the value of imagination often takes a backseat. However, fostering a child’s imagination is not just about encouraging creativity; it plays a pivotal role in their mental health development. Imagination is the magical doorway through which children explore emotions, problem-solving, and self-expression, laying the foundation for robust mental well-being.

  1. Building Emotional Intelligence:

Imagination serves as a powerful tool for children to understand and navigate their emotions. Through imaginative play, they can embody different roles, experimenting with various feelings and responses. Whether it’s a tea party with imaginary friends or a grand adventure in a make-believe world, children learn to identify and manage their emotions, fostering emotional intelligence. This emotional awareness becomes a crucial asset as they grow, helping them navigate relationships and cope with life’s challenges.

Developing Problem-Solving Skills:

Imagination is the birthplace of creativity, and creativity is closely tied to problem-solving. When children engage in imaginative play, they encounter scenarios that require quick thinking and inventive solutions. Whether it’s building a fort with cushions or creating a story with unexpected twists, their minds are constantly at work, honing problem-solving skills that will prove invaluable in academic and real-life situations.

Cultivating Resilience:

Life is full of uncertainties, and cultivating resilience is essential for a child’s mental health. Imagination allows them to explore different outcomes and possibilities, teaching them to adapt and bounce back from setbacks. Through role-playing and storytelling, children develop the resilience needed to cope with disappointment and challenges, fostering a positive attitude towards life.

Stimulating Brain Development:

The brain is like a muscle that needs regular exercise, and imagination is the perfect workout. When children engage in imaginative activities, various regions of their brain are activated, contributing to cognitive development. This stimulation not only enhances creativity but also improves memory, attention span, and language skills. A well-developed brain is better equipped to handle stress and maintain mental well-being throughout life.

Encouraging Self-Expression:

Imagination provides a safe space for children to express themselves freely. In a world where societal expectations and norms often prevail, imaginative play allows them to explore their thoughts, feelings, and identities without judgment. This uninhibited self-expression is crucial for building a strong sense of self and confidence, laying the groundwork for positive mental health.

Promoting Social Skills:

Imagination is a social activity. Whether playing house with friends or creating an imaginary world together, children learn important social skills through imaginative play. Cooperation, communication, and empathy are all developed as they navigate the shared landscapes of their imagination. These social skills are not only vital for healthy relationships but also contribute to a child’s overall mental well-being.

The Imagine Project

The Imagine Project is an expressive writing program that allows a child (or adult) to write about a difficult story that has happened in their life. Once they write about the story by beginning each sentence using the word Imagine.., they are prompted to Imagine a new hopeful, positive ending to that story. This gives the writer the ability to use their imagination to see that they don’t have to be defined by their negative story, instead, they can create a new story in their lives. To download a FREE journal from The Imagine Project go to


In the fast-paced and technologically driven world we live in, it’s essential not to overlook the importance of nurturing a child’s imagination. Imagination is not just a whimsical escape; it is the cornerstone of mental health development. Through imaginative play, children build emotional intelligence, develop problem-solving skills, cultivate resilience, stimulate brain development, encourage self-expression, and promote social skills. As parents, educators, and caregivers, it is our responsibility to create an environment that values and encourages the boundless possibilities of a child’s imagination, recognizing its profound impact on their mental well-being both now and in the future. So, let’s celebrate the world of make-believe and ensure that every child has the space and freedom to let their imaginations soar.

Happy Imagining!



Dianne is the founder and CEO of The Imagine Project, Inc., a nonprofit organization that helps children K-12 (and adults) process and heal from difficult life circumstances through expressive writing. Dianne has her Masters in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing, is a thought leader in stress and trauma in children and has written multiple award-winning books including The Imagine Project: Empowering Kids to Rise Above Drama, Trauma, and Stress. She is an international speaker, lives in Colorado and has 3 grown children. Learn more about The Imagine Project at

How Audiobooks Can Help Improve Children’s Literacy and SEL

In the digital age, audiobooks have emerged as a powerful educational tool, especially as an increasing number of studies have revealed a burgeoning literacy crisis in the United States. According to the Urban Institute’s National Assessment of Educational Progress, for instance, about two-thirds of US children are unable to read with proficiency, with 40% considered to be nonreaders.

This article explores the evidence-based role of audiobooks in enhancing children’s literacy skills and promoting social and emotional learning, shedding light on the multifaceted benefits that extend beyond the written word.

Audiobooks and their various impacts on literacy development

Research consistently highlights the positive impact of audiobooks on children’s literacy development. A study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology found that incorporating audiobooks into a classroom setting significantly improved students’ word recognition, comprehension, and overall reading achievement. Listening to well-narrated stories enhances vocabulary, language comprehension, and pronunciation, providing a valuable supplement to traditional reading methods. Below are a few more ways that audiobooks are aiding literacy development.

Accessible for all learners

One of the key strengths of audiobooks lies in their accessibility. The digital library Everand has revolutionized the availability of audiobooks and ebooks for children. Through a monthly subscription model, parents gain access to an extensive catalog of stories for children without needing to constantly purchase individual works. On Everand, young readers can be exposed to a wide range of genres, from classics like A.A. Milne’s Winnie the Pooh to more recent books like Jasmine Warga’s Other Words for Home. Alternatively, parents can make it a habit to pay a visit to their local public library, where children can instead borrow books and audiobooks for free.

In addition to this, audiobooks accommodate various learning styles, making them inclusive for children with different abilities, including those with reading difficulties or learning disabilities. By presenting information through both auditory and visual channels, audiobooks cater to the diverse needs of students, fostering a more equitable learning environment.

Fostering a love for literature

Audiobooks have the potential to ignite a passion for literature in children. In an AOL article, former language arts teacher Jordan Lloyd Bookey noted that any medium that promotes a positive relationship with reading is a good thing. Audiobooks, in particular, captivate young minds and encourage a positive attitude toward reading as they reformat stories to become more engaging and dynamic. This emotional connection to literature can be a driving force in cultivating a lifelong love for books, contributing to sustained literacy development throughout a child’s academic journey.

Enhancing comprehension and critical thinking

Listening to audiobooks engages children in a different dimension of storytelling, allowing them to focus on comprehension and critical thinking skills. Following the narrative through auditory cues encourages children to visualize scenes, infer meanings, and predict outcomes. This multisensory experience enhances cognitive development and promotes higher-order thinking skills crucial for academic success.

Social and emotional learning through audiobooks

Beyond literacy, audiobooks play a significant role in nurturing social-emotional skills in children. Well-crafted narratives often explore complex themes, emotions, and character relationships. Exposure to diverse perspectives through storytelling fosters empathy, emotional intelligence, and an understanding of various social dynamics, which can then be channeled into resilience-building activities such as The Imagine Project journals.

On the Imagine Project website, parents and educators can also download a free writing tool that aims to empower children to express their feelings to better cope with stress and other challenges, further enhancing children’s social-emotional awareness.

Listening to audiobooks also requires children to develop strong listening skills and patience. Following a story through audio cues necessitates sustained attention and concentration, skills that are transferrable to various aspects of academic and social life. This practice contributes to the cultivation of essential skills for effective communication and interpersonal relationships.

The role of audiobooks extends far beyond being a convenient alternative to traditional reading. Evidence supports the positive impact of audiobooks on literacy development, catering to diverse learning styles and fostering a love for literature. Moreover, audiobooks contribute substantially to social-emotional learning, enhancing empathy, critical thinking, and essential life skills. As technology continues to shape the future of education, audiobooks stand as a valuable resource for nurturing well-rounded, literate, and emotionally intelligent individuals.

Using Mindfulness with Kids During Stressful Times

Stress tends to be higher during the holidays. More to do, plan, and get done before a deadline. Even if life is fun during the holidays, people around you might be stressed and you can feel it–and so can your kids no matter what their ages. Taking extra time to practice Mindfullness is important for ourselves and our families. Mindfulness can be a great tool to keep us stay grounded so that our stress doesn’t get the best of us. The Imagine Project is a form of Mindfullness, it helps with processing how we feel, as well as centering ourselves.

But what does mindfulness really look like? Mindfulness is the conscious decision to be present in the moment, paying attention to how you feel in your body, mind, and emotionally– as well as how your kids are feeling. The trick is to do listen, watch, feel from a nonjudgmental place—a place of noticing and letting go of anything that doesn’t serve you. It actually really works! Research even shows that noticing—just noticing what’s happening in your mind, head, and heart, without trying to fix or change it, just watching and noticing it—allows it to move through and move on. Noticing and acknowledging anything your children, spouse, etc. might be feeling will help them feel heard and let go of anything that might not be helpful for them. Research also shows that mindfulness helps improve immune function (fewer illnesses), increases concentration, strengthens resilience, as well as many other positive effects.

So how do we do this? Experiment and practice—with ourselves, and our kids. Noticing your breathing is always a great place to begin. Bring your attention back to your breath, and practice long, slow, mindful breathing. This is key to embracing the moment and restoring or strengthening calm in your brain and body. Try sitting quietly and gently paying attention to your breath, counting slowly as you breathe in and out. The goal is breathing in to a count of about 4 or 5, and breathe out with a count of 6-7. Longer exhales helps your body relax more. You may have to work at going this slow, but just try it at your own pace and work at moving to a slower, deeper breath. Then practice at other times too, in your car, waiting in a doctor’s office, or watching TV. The more you experiment and work at it, the more prepared you’ll be when you really need it to calm yourself in stressful situations!

Practicing mindfulness with kids happens when you create quiet times with them and show them techniques and tools to help them calm down. Here are a few tips to help:

  1. Sit and do the breathing technique together or when you feel your child is stressed—practicing together really helps.
  2. Have a snack or even cook together. Noticing the food: the taste, the smell, the textures.
  3. Go for a walk, notice what’s going on around you in nature; the clouds, the weather, the landscape—look for 4 leaf clovers or dig in the dirt.
  4. Read together, do a puzzle, chase bubbles, draw, or paint.
  5. Share a breathing hug together, take a few soft, slow breaths as you hold each other.
  6. Notice and share how you are feeling, your body sensations and how they match your emotions and thoughts.
  7. Write your Imagine stories together.

Mindfulness combats stress by allowing us to slow down our minds so we can pay attention to what’s happening in our bodies and emotions. Then the emotions can move through our minds and bodies, which will lessen our stress. Sometimes it’s difficult to connect to and understand how we feel, this is where The Imagine Project comes in. Writing your story, each sentence beginning with the word Imagine… helps put our feelings out into the world, helps us process our experiences that are causing stress, move through them, calming our minds and bodies—the goal in combating stress.

Try writing your imagine story with your child and/or your students. The process is free, simple, and prompted by a 7-step journaling process. Go to to learn more about The Imagine Project and download the journals. Give it a try, it will help calm your’s and your child’s stress, while giving the opportunity to Imagine new possibilities in life!

Here is a wonderful website to help you get started with Mindfulness: Mindfulness and Meditation Matters. 

Dianne Maroney, RN, MSN

The Imagine Project, Inc., is a nonprofit organization that helps kids, teens, and adults overcome challenging life circumstances through expressive writing. Dianne is a thought leader in the area of stress and trauma in children. Her simple, yet profound 7-step writing tool, now used by schools across the US and internationally, gives kids and teens the opportunity to rewrite a challenging personal story and Imagine new possibilities in its place.

Every Tear Matters: Practical Ways to Help Kids Find Strength In Grief

 Grief is a heavy emotion, and when kids experience it, it could make their life more challenging. As adults who love and care for them, we can help them find their strength in the face of loss.

In this article, you will understand what kids go through when they’re grieving and how we can support them. (Written by Michael Vallejo)

The Importance of Helping Kids Deal with Grief

Just like adults, children experience grief in response to loss, such as the death of a loved one, divorce, moving, losing a pet or friend, etc. Grief is a complex experience and children may express this emotion depending on their age, personality, or coping mechanisms. 

Parents, caregivers, and educators need to provide support to help children healthily process their grief. As kids receive support, they can gain valuable coping skills that can help them handle future losses. 

It also allows them to understand that sadness is normal, which makes them feel validated. 

Understanding Grief in Children

The experience of grief in children is different from that of adults since they still lack the emotional maturity to fully understand and express their feelings. 

How Children Perceive Grief

Each child will understand and respond to grief and loss differently. For example, preschool-aged kids might perceive death as temporary and reversible, so they might still look for the person who has died afterward.

While school-aged children might start to understand that death is permanent, and become anxious that other loved ones might also die. They might not want to be separated from their parents and caregivers. 

Teenagers have a good understanding that death is natural and a part of life, and may also take on adult responsibilities around the home. They might also be more interested in the meaning of life and death. 

Common Reactions and Behaviors in Grieving Children

Children grieve differently, and sometimes you might not see it expressed properly. This is because they might not know how to put their feelings into words. 

Other children may also seem strong and resilient one moment and become very distressed the next. They may express a variety of emotions from sadness, anger, confusion, guilt, and anxiety

Here are common reactions and behaviors in grieving children:

  • Sadness, which can be shown by crying one moment and playing the next
  • Anger, such as getting irritable or easily irritated
  • Denial, which can be shown by denying the reality of the loss
  • Anxiety, which leads to worries about their safety and the safety of others
  • Withdrawal from friends, family, or social activities
  • Struggling academically or having difficulty concentrating
  • Changes in eating habits and appetite
  • Regression, or displaying behaviors associated with younger children, such as thumb-sucking or bedwetting
  • Clinginess, or not wanting to be separated from parents and caregivers

The Importance of Every Tear

Many people see crying as a sign of weakness, but it’s okay to let your kids cry when they feel sad, hurt, or angry. Crying can help kids calm themselves, reduce their pain, and improve their mood. It helps them healthily process their grief. 

Significance of Expressing Emotions

Emotions are part of being human, so children need to learn how to identify, understand, and express their feelings. Teaching kids about emotions and encouraging them to express their feelings is important so they can develop healthy coping skills. By doing this, they are more likely to bounce back after strong emotions and avoid developing behavioral problems, such as aggression and acting out.

Grieving is an essential process toward acceptance because it can help kids come to terms with the reality of the loss. Without expressing their emotions, they may struggle to move forward. This can result in unresolved emotional pain that can lead to more problems in the future.

Healthy Part of the Grieving Process

Crying is a healthy part of the grieving process because it allows kids to release and express their intense emotions. It also provides a respite from the pain. 

According to a 2014 study, crying releases endorphins or feel-good chemicals that can help soothe pain.

Crying can also help build a sense of connection between people who are affected by grief, which can lead to empathy and understanding for kids. Lastly, crying can also be a way of honoring the person or object that was lost.

Practical Ways to Help Kids Find Strength in Grief

Helping kids find strength in grief involves providing them with love, support, understanding, and coping strategies that can help them move forward:

Encourage communication

Each child will react differently when they get news about a loss. Encourage your kid to put their thoughts and feelings about the situation into words. Allow them to ask questions and come to you when they are confused with their emotions. 

Remember that grief can often feel isolating, so communication with kids can help them feel less alone. Through open communication, you can let your children feel heard, seen, and understood. 

Normalize grief

It’s important to help kids understand that grief is a normal response to loss. Let them know that it will take time for them to feel better, but things will improve over time. You don’t have to hide your sadness as well, but you can express it in front of your child so they know that they are not alone. 

For example, you might talk about your grief with them to help them understand that what they’re feeling is normal. You can say, “I feel sad for your grandfather’s passing. I miss him very much, and sometimes I cry. Being sad is OK because it means that he was very important to us. When I feel down, I talk to a friend and she listens to me, so I don’t feel that I am alone.”

Teach mental health coping skills

Children might not yet have the right mental health coping skills to deal with negative emotions, so it is important to start teaching them early. These skills can help them keep their feelings under control and prevent them from letting their big emotions disrupt their daily lives.

For example, when they’re feeling sad, you can ask them to think of activities that they might enjoy, such as taking the dog out for a walk. You can also help them neutralize their sadness by asking them to identify things to be grateful for. Plan activities to spend time with friends when they’re feeling lonely.

There are also many ways to cope when they’re feeling angry due to a loss. For instance, you can make them a “calm down kit” full of things they like, such as a stress ball, art supplies, or storybooks. You can also ask them to dance it out together until their emotion dissipates.

Promote self-care

Ensure that your kids are taking care of their physical health as well because grief can be overwhelming and draining. Disrupted sleep and changes in appetite can take a toll on their physical health. Engaging in self-care activities can help reduce these effects. 

The best way to promote self-care is to lead by example. For example, you can set aside time for relaxation by engaging in activities such as yoga or taking a warm bath. For kids, this might involve activities such as drawing, coloring, or journaling.

Don’t forget to encourage your kids to eat healthily, get sufficient rest, and also have regular exercise. 

Seek professional help if needed

Grieving takes time, even for children. But if your child’s grief becomes too overwhelming or persists for an extended period, consider seeking support from a grief counselor, therapist, or mental health professional.

Here are some signs that your child might need professional help:

  • Grief symptoms that worsen with time
  • Extended periods of depression or loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy
  • Persistent imitation of the deceased or desire to join the person who died
  • Persistent regression to younger behavior
  • Substance abuse in teens
  • Refusal to go to school or spend time with friends

In a 2021 study, the researchers gathered kids and teens who were dealing with prolonged grief disorder. They were randomly split into two groups, where one group received a Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) program and the other group received supportive counseling. 

Both types of treatment helped the kids, however, CBT showed better results. CBT made a significant difference in alleviating the symptoms associated with prolonged grief disorder. It also helped in easing depression, symptoms linked to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and internalizing issues.

Support through journaling

Research has shown that journaling (also call expressive writing) can help process difficult emotions because the writer has the opportunity to express and understand their feelings. The Imagine Project is a guided 7-step journaling process for all kids K-12 (and adults). The first 3 steps give the child the opportunity to write their difficult story using the word Imagine to begin every sentence. Step 4 asks them to write a new ending to their story giving the chance to find meaning and possibility in their lives. The Imagine Project is free for anyone to download from Download a journal now and you can write your Imagine stories together to share your own experiences, helping your child to understand he/she isn’t alone. 

Help Your Child Find Strength in Grief Through Your Love and Support

Always remember that the grieving process is different for everyone, and what works for one child may not work for another. So your main goal is to be flexible and patient as you provide support and guidance to your child. 

Also, keep in mind that it’s okay to grieve alongside your child. Take care of yourself as well so you can continue to be a strong support for them. 

Good luck and take care,

Michael Vallejo, LCSW, Child and Family Therapist, and Dianne Maroney, RN, MSN, Executive Director, The Imagine Project, Inc.


How Journaling Helps Kids and Adults Heal

When I go into a classroom or get in front of large groups, I often ask, “How many of you like to write?” On average, about 50% will raise their hands. With children, the younger they are, the more they like to write; the older they are, the more groans I hear.

Unfortunately, many children are given negative ideas about their ability to write. Whether they are told that it needs to be perfect or perfectionism comes from within, they may struggle with vocabulary, grammar, and organizing their thoughts. Many kids are rarely given the chance to simply write from their hearts with- out worrying about spelling and punctuation. Yet, when they begin to write from a perspective of speaking their truth—a story, a challenge, or experience that is sitting in their hearts—something happens. At first it might feel emotional; thinking and writing about a painful event can be difficult to do. But once the flow begins, it can be freeing and empowering.

Expressive writing or journaling also has a healing quality, encouraging writers to process and find meaning from a difficult life circumstance, to let it go, and to create a new story for their lives. This kind of writing also allows the writers to feel seen, heard, and validated. And it feels empowering when they realize how far they’ve come and how resilient they truly are.

The Positive Effects of Journaling

For over 30 years, researchers have been studying the effects of journaling. In most studies, participants are asked to take 15 to 30 minutes to write about an emotionally challenging, even traumatic incident in their lives. Typically, they are asked to do this once a day for three to five days. Even though the time spent writing can be emotional and make the writer feel vulnerable, the long-term benefits are positive. Research has found that expressive writing can:

  • improve grade point average,
  • improve working memory,
  • improve writing skills,
  • decrease school dropout rates,
  • enhance immune function (fewer illnesses and fewer trips to the doctor),
  • decrease blood pressure,
  • promote wound healing after surgery,
  • decrease anxiety and depression,
  • help people feel better about life, and
  • lessen post-traumatic intrusion and avoidance symptoms.

Study measurements were done months, even years, after the writing exercises and positive results still existed. Pretty good stuff!

How and Why Does Journaling Work?

James Pennebaker, PhD and Joshua Smyth, PhD can be considered the fathers of journaling. Their research has been foundational for understanding how and why expressive writing works. In their latest book, Opening Up and Writing It Down (Guilford Press, 2016), they explore the healing benefits of expressive writing. By writing down what happened (or is happening), we can organize our thoughts and verbalize the stress or trauma we’ve experienced, which allows us to confront, understand, make some sense of it, and gain perspective. We can even find meaning in difficult experiences through the written word, as putting our stories on pa- per can shed light on our problems and release the tension of keeping them in the dark. In contrast, holding in negative experiences and feelings merely creates more stress, anxiety, depression, or self-destructiveness.

We also have a basic need to express ourselves, speak our truth, and make sense of it, so we can move on. You can see this in the Imagine stories in this book. Kids and teens hold so much in their minds and hearts. When troubles are kept under cover, they remain unprocessed, take up too much space, and prevent kids from moving forward. Being “stuck” only perpetuates cycles of dysfunction, such as abuse, addiction, and poverty, generation after generation. Fortunately, expressive writing is an effective tool that can help kids process and let go of their stories so they aren’t defined or limited by them. Journaling inspires them to imagine new possibilities, pursue their goals more effectively, and find a higher calling in their lives.

If you, your child, student, or someone you know is struggling, introduce them to The Imagine Project. The Imagine Project is a simple (and FREE) journaling process that uses 7 steps to guide the child, teen, or adult through writing and healing. To learn more and download a free journal go to

Thank you and take care,

Dianne and The Imagine Project Team


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