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Learning Disabilities and the Benefits of Playing an Instrument

For children with learning disabilities, conventional in-school learning can be difficult, frustrating, and stressful. While developing a holistic curriculum for a child with a learning disability is complex, evidence suggests that playing an instrument is a valuable component of the learning process. The following article, presented by The Imagine Project, explores how playing an instrument can help children with learning disabilities communicate, engage senses, and build confidence.

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Getting Started

Each instrument has a different shape, size, and sound and can be used to help your child reflect his/her inner self. When helping your child choose an instrument, consider what challenges and benefits each instrument offers. For example, children who are hard of hearing often find vibration-heavy instruments favorable and opt for instruments such as the drums. For a child who has difficulty sitting for long periods of time, you might consider standing instruments. Your child’s age may also be a factor; larger instruments such as the trombone may be too large and complex for children under a certain age, so consider something smaller like a flute or clarinet.

If you are unsure if learning an instrument is right for your child, consider small, low-cost instruments like the recorder or harmonica. Many musical stores will also allow you to rent an instrument before purchasing it — this gives you and your child time to decide if a particular instrument is right for them. To help narrow down your options, start by conducting some online research. If you want your child to love learning a new instrument, ensure he/she is involved in the instrument selection process.

You can also help your child by getting involved in the learning process itself. If you play clarinet and your child wants to follow in your footsteps, consider teaching them yourself. You may soon discover that you have a love of teaching music to children, which could open up the doors to a whole new world of opportunities.


If your child has difficulty communicating thoughts and emotions verbally, playing an instrument may provide a valuable alternative for expression. Being able to communicate effectively has been proven to reduce stress and facilitate enhanced learning. Better communication also leads to longer attention spans, stronger concentration, and improved memory. Playing an instrument requires perseverance, which, in turn, helps children self-regulate emotions during times of frustration and anger. Lastly, being able to communicate enhances reasoning skillsassociated with problem-solving. If communication is difficult for your child, consider encouraging non-verbal expression through an instrument.

Engaging the Senses

Playing an instrument engages senses in a way few other activities do. In order to create music, children are required to integrate auditory, visual, and tactile senses. Music also enhances fine motor skills, balance, and reaction time. The rhythmic pattern present in music aids in cognitive development by enhancing children’s skills in logical reasoning, organization, and multitasking. When a child is reading music, he/she has to interpret a symbol and correspond with the appropriate physical action. Engaging all senses through music helps children learn how information is processed and how their body and mind work together.

Builds Confidence

Children with learning disabilities are more likely to suffer from low self-esteem and confidence. In the classroom, children may be hesitant to take on a new task, require additional instruction, or take longer to learn certain subjects. As a result, children with learning disabilities may feel inferior to those around them. Learning to play a musical instrument is immensely rewarding and, as a result, improves self-confidence. With each note, scale, and song comes a renewed sense of achievement and confidence. Playing an instrument can also teach children the value of perseverance and patience, thereby encouraging them not to give up when faced with tough assignments and subjects.

The benefits of playing an instrument go far beyond simply learning notes, scales, and songs. For children with learning disabilities, playing an instrument builds confidence while enhancing skills in communication and sensory processing. If you want to enhance your child’s education, start looking into some musical instrument options.

Always remember The Imagine Project is a wonderful way to help all children, especially those with disabilities, to manage and move through stress. Download The Imagine Project Journal and help your child or student with any issues he or she might be having.

Thank you and be well,

Dianne Maroney, RN, MSN

(Thanks to Amanda Henderson for contributing this blog)

Dianne is the founder and CEO of The Imagine Project, Inc., a nonprofit organization that helps children K-12 (and adults) process and heal from difficult life circumstances through expressive writing. Dianne has her Masters in Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing, has written multiple books, is an international speaker, lives outside of Denver, CO, and has 3 grown children. Learn more about The Imagine Project at

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