We have two choices for you. Click on the lilnk below and it will take you to a (free) powerpoint that will walk you through learning about The Imagine Project.
Or you can use the information below. Either way, we encourage you to go at your own pace. You will be prompted to write your own story within the lessons. Writing your own story helps with understanding the power of the project. You will enjoy it, we promise!
Children need tools to help them cope with life’s challenges. The Imagine Project is a great tool to help them process, cope, and move forward in life.
* Step 4: Why Does TIP work: Dr. Jerry Yager: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSqooWqtUYA&t=1s
* Teens Talking About TIP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBwXDEOjAnw&t=81s
* Step 5:: TASK: Watch 2-3 videos of kids reading their Imagine stories. *A few of these stories might be difficult to watch if you have had similar experiences. Please take care of yourself and if you feel triggered just stop and move on to a different video.
Jay’s Imagine Story (Alternative high school senior)
Kamia’s TIP story (freshman in college who was homeless)
Kailee’s TIP story (middle schooler)
Emily’s TIP story (Alternative high school junior talking about abuse)
Victor’s TIP story (Adult talking about using The Imagine Project)
Faith (5th grader) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbQrnZg4W8g
Kaedon (5th grader) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBoSbDlqqbU&t=2s
Molly (5th grader) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cz0uOJcGsTg
Achmed (5th grader) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYUjBCJWFzo
Chloe (5th grader) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3JwogMRSu0
Now it’s time to write using The Imagine Project 7-step process. It’s important to write your own story so you can witness and feel the power and benefit of using The Imagine Project before asking someone else to write.
Download The Imagine Project Journal to begin writing (you can use your own writing pad if you’d like).
Imagine Project Spotify Playlist:Here is a song playlist you can use while writing your Imagine story and while you’re working with students.
This is the embedded code for the Spotify Playlist:
<iframe style=”border-radius:12px” src=”https://open.spotify.com/embed/playlist/3Xyfy02g4oFsJkIPHoL70N?utm_source=generator” width=”100%” height=”352″ frameBorder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”” allow=”autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture” loading=”lazy”></iframe>
Step 1: Using The Imagine Project in Groups or Classrooms
Step 2 – Sharing your story and holding a brave space. After steps 3 and 4 we encourage participants to share their stories out loud with each other. Some will share, some won’t. It’s okay either way, it’s their decision. When they do share it’s important to know how to hold space for those who are sharing, and teaching others in the group or classroom to hold a brave space. These videos explain more about holding space for sharing.
Step 3 – Releasing Stress – There are many ways to release stress with kids. Here’s a few ideas:
The Imagine Project: Empowering Kids to Rise Above Drama, Trauma, and Stress by Dianne Maroney
The Imagine Project is a How-to guide that helps parents, teachers, and counselors support kids who are dealing with trauma, and stress. Beyond the explanations about emotional wellness, how stress affects a child, and the impact of trauma on a child, there are thorough instructions about how to use the powerful, yet simple 7-step expressive writing tool (The Imagine Project Journal) that helps kids overcome difficult life circumstances.
The Imagine Project – Stories of Courage, Hope, and Love by Dianne Maroney
A collection of photographs and inspirational stories of individuals who have overcome obstacles or worked toward humanitarian causes. Maroney brings together dozens of personal stories, each accompanied by photographs of the narrators and identified with thematic titles—gift, heritage, winning, resolve, etc. Each narrative is a series of sentences beginning with “Imagine…” followed by an element of the narrator’s story.
What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing
by Oprah Winfrey, Bruce D. Perry
Have you ever wondered “Why did I do that?” or “Why can’t I just control my behavior?” Others may judge our reactions and think, “What’s wrong with that person?” When questioning our emotions, it’s easy to place the blame on ourselves; holding ourselves and those around us to an impossible standard. It’s time we started asking a different question.
Through deeply personal conversations, Oprah Winfrey and renowned brain and trauma expert Dr. Bruce Perry offer a groundbreaking and profound shift from asking “What’s wrong with you?” to “What happened to you?”
The Art of Holding Space: A Practice of Love, Liberation, and Leadership
by Heather Plett
In this profound book, facilitator and speaker Heather Plett empowers you with constructive, actionable practices for transforming conflict, building boundaries, and increasing sovereignty in your own life—and the lives of those closest to you.
You’ll learn:
– How to create a non-judgmental space for yourself and others
– How to build trust and autonomy
– How to create and refine your circle of trust
– How to move through trauma
– How to reawaken your authentic identity
– How to work through conflict
– How to create “brave spaces” that allow for free expression
Fostering Resilient Learners: Strategies for Creating a Trauma-Sensitive Classroom
by Kristin Souers, Pete Hall
In this galvanizing book for all educators, Kristin Souers and Pete Hall explore an urgent and growing issue–childhood trauma–and its profound effect on learning and teaching.
Grounded in research and the authors’ experience working with trauma-affected students and their teachers, Fostering Resilient Learners will help you cultivate a trauma-sensitive learning environment for students across all content areas, grade levels, and educational settings. The authors–a mental health therapist and a veteran principal–provide proven, reliable strategies to help you
The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Trauma and Adversity by Nadine Burke Harris
The stunning news of Burke Harris’s research is just how deeply our bodies can be imprinted by ACEs—adverse childhood experiences like abuse, neglect, parental addiction, mental illness, and divorce. Childhood adversity changes our biological systems, and lasts a lifetime. For anyone who has faced a difficult childhood, or who cares about the millions of children who do, the fascinating scientific insight and innovative, acclaimed health interventions in The Deepest Well represent vitally important hope for preventing lifelong illness for those we love and for generations to come.
Help for Billy: A Beyond Consequences Approaching to Helping Challenging Children in the Classroom by Heather T. Forbes
“Help for Billy” is a pragmatic manual to help guide families and educators who are struggling with traumatized children. Based on the concept of the neuroscience of emotions and behavior, Heather Forbes provides detailed, comprehensive, and logical strategies for teachers and parents. This easy to read book, with tables, outlines and lists, clears the way for a better understanding of the true nature regarding traumatic experiences affecting the brain and learning. It is a must read for anyone working with a child in the classroom.
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